Start date
This programme has been developed by the Health Service Executive (Addiction Services) as one of a number of CPD programmes for pharmacists in the area of addiction.
The programme can be taken entirely online and comprises two modules: (1) Brief Intervention in Pharmacy Harm Reduction Services and; (2) Needle and Foil Provision. Each module takes approximately one hour to complete.
You must be logged in to book a place on this programme
Four learning outcomes have been identified for this programme. At the end of this programme you will:
- be able to describe what is meant by brief intervention and its role in pharmacy harm reduction services (such as Opioid treatment provision or needle and syringe programme (NSP);
- be able to identify elements required for delivery of a safe, quality pharmacy NSP;
- have the necessary knowledge and skills to support the development of policies and procedures required for implementation of a NSP;
- be able to identify actions to enhance the delivery of a NSP in the pharmacy.