Pharmacist Antimicrobial Stewardship Network (PAMS-net)
Mission statement: To support pharmacists across all sectors to work towards the common goal of promoting responsible use of antimicrobials in all patients and limiting the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.
Membership: All pharmacists registered in Ireland with an interest in responsible antimicrobial use are encouraged to join this network. We welcome pharmacists from all settings including community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, educators, researchers, those working in other roles within the HSE, other national bodies and those involved in clinical audit and quality improvement.
Vision: A more joined up approach to AMS across the pharmacy profession.
Functions of this network:
· To share knowledge, learning and experience in AMS, both across and within sectors
· To provide a discussion forum for members
· To share AMS work and foster creativity and innovation in AMS
· To assist in the provision of CPD for pharmacists with an interest in AMS