Event types

Pharmacist Antimicrobial Stewardship Network

Start date

Pharmacist Antimicrobial Stewardship Network (PAMS-net)

Mission statement: To support pharmacists across all sectors to work towards the common goal of promoting responsible use of antimicrobials in all patients and limiting the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.

Membership: All pharmacists registered in Ireland with an interest in responsible antimicrobial use are encouraged to join this network. We welcome pharmacists from all settings including community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, educators, researchers, those working in other roles within the HSE, other national bodies and those involved in clinical audit and quality improvement.

Vision: A more joined up approach to AMS across the pharmacy profession.

Functions of this network:

· To share knowledge, learning and experience in AMS, both across and within sectors

· To provide a discussion forum for members

· To share AMS work and foster creativity and innovation in AMS

· To assist in the provision of CPD for pharmacists with an interest in AMS

15 Aug, 2022
Accredited Online Programmes

Consultation Skills in Pharmacy Practice

Start date

This programme is a self-directed fully online training programme which may take approximately 4-6 hours to complete. The programme was developed for the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) by the Irish Academy of Continuing Medical Education (iaCME Ltd.) and 4Front Pharmacy Solutions Ltd. 

The PSI’s Core Competency Framework (CCF) identifies a number of competencies central to pharmacists performing effectively in professional practice. “Provides patient consultations and counselling" has been recognised as a core competency for pharmacists.

The aim of this Consultation Skills in Pharmacy Practice training programme is to help pharmacists develop their knowledge and skills in this competency area.

At the end of this programme you will be able to:

  • Identify the consultation skills required during interactions with patients, carers or healthcare professionals
  • Develop effective consultation skills to competently gather information from and about patients, and interpret this information appropriately
  • Understand the importance of consultation skills to other areas of the pharmacist: patient interaction, including;
    • Patient management and education
    • Patient communication (counselling) skills
  • Identify and use consultation skills appropriate for the following;
    • Medication-related consultations
    • Public health related consultations
  • Evaluate and reflect upon your consultation skills in a simulated or practice setting
09 Jan, 2023
Accredited Online Programmes

Managing Quality in Pharmacy Practice

Start date

The Managing Quality in Pharmacy Practice training programme is a self-directed online training programme which will take approximately 4-6 hours to complete. The programme was developed for the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) by Pharmapod. It is tailored to the pharmacy profession in the Republic of Ireland and is suitable for both recently qualified and experienced pharmacists working in various settings (including community pharmacies, hospitals and those delivering pharmacy services to residential care settings), with no specialist knowledge in this area.

The aim of the programme is to introduce pharmacists to recognised principles of quality management and help them to implement these principles in their own practice. The programme content covers aspects of quality management relevant to pharmacy practice, including the principles of quality management, how to develop a quality management system, principles of risk management, quality improvement, and how to develop a process to review quality related adverse events such as medication errors.  It also covers national and international policies, strategies and best practices.

At the end of this programme you will be able to:

  • Describe the principles of quality management, including recognised quality management theories and frameworks
  • Describe Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance Models and how to apply these models to your practice
  • Develop, implement and review a Quality Management System relevant to your pharmacy practice
  • Apply the principles of risk management to identify deficits and risks in the quality of pharmacy services you offer
  • Develop a process to review quality-related adverse events such as medication errors and customer complaints

The Training Programme contains five modules;

  1. Quality management Principles
  2. Quality management Systems
  3. Quality Improvement
  4. Applying Quality Improvement methods in a Pharmacy Setting
  5. Running a Quality Improvement in your practice
23 Feb, 2023

Professional Practice Resource

Start date
Online training course

This Professional Practice Resource was originally the Return to Practice resource - developed to provide support to pharmacists returning to the PSI register under COVID-19 Section 77 Restoration. However, it has since been reviewed and updated, and republished as a Professional Practice Resource, which contains information of relevance to all pharmacists practising in Ireland.

It is based on the PSI's Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists.


To support all pharmacists practising in Ireland, in line with the PSI's Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists.

01 Mar, 2023

Diagnosis and Treatment of an Acute Asthma Attack and the Supply and Administration of Salbutamol

Start date

The Diagnosis and Treatment of an Acute Asthma Attack and the Supply and Administration of Salbutamol Training Programme is a self-directed online training programme which will take approximately 2 hours to complete. The programme was developed for the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) by Hibernian Healthcare. The principal aims of this training programme are to enable pharmacists to competently and safely provide an emergency salbutamol service for the treatment of severe asthma in the pharmacy setting.

This training programme must be completed if you wish to offer a salbutamol emergency medicine service to your patients. You will also need to complete the Responding to an Emergency Service and the Management of Anaphylaxis and keep your CPR training up to date.

Learning Objectives 

  • Diagnose and treat an acute asthma attack
  • Refresh knowledge on the properties and usage of salbutamol.
  • Supply and administer salbutamol in emergency situations
  • Manage possible side effects or adverse events resulting from administration of salbutamol
  • Store salbutamol in line with the SmPC
  • Make appropriate records following supply and administration of salbutamol in an emergency
06 Mar, 2023
Accredited Online Programmes

Biosimilars: Supporting Your Patients

Start date

This course looks at biological medicines and biosimilars. Compared to conventional small molecule drugs, biological medicines are larger and more complex molecules. While there are many types of biological medicines, the majority are therapeutic proteins, and these are the focus of this course.

The programme should take approximately 2 hours to complete.

The learning objective is met through achievement of the learning outcomes below.

At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

  • Understand how biological medicines are developed and approved by regulatory agencies
  • Describe the legal and regulatory considerations important to clinical practice
  • Define biosimilars
  • Understand the safety considerations if switching brands of a biological medicine
  • Discuss the importance of education for healthcare professionals and patients

The course is laid out in six lessons followed by case-based scenarios.

Lesson 1: Biological Medicines – an Introduction

  • Understand why biological medicines are important for you and your patient
  • Outline the history of the development of biological medicines
  • Understand the key differences between small molecule medicines and biological medicines

Lesson 2: Development of Biological Medicines

  • Understand that the living organisms used to produce a biological medicine are naturally variable
  • Understand how the product is defined by the manufacturing process for biological medicines
  • Outline the scientific principles used to ensure that quality, safety and efficacy is consistently maintained
  • Discuss the concept of immunogenicity and its importance

Lesson 3: Biosimilars

  • Define a biosimilar
  • Outline key differences between biosimilar and novel biological medicine regulatory pathways
  • Understand how scientific principles used to ensure batch to batch similarity for the reference medicine are used to confirm biosimilarity
  • Potential advantages biosimilars bring for the patient

Lesson 4: Interchangeability

  • Define interchangeability, switching and automatic substitution
  • Outline current regulations and legislation in Ireland
  • Knowledge of recommendations relating to switching in the Irish health service
  • Knowledge of the management of biological medicines on the High Tech Hub

Lesson 5: Pharmacovigilance

  • Understand that the safety considerations for a biosimilar and its reference medicine are the same
  • Understand all newly approved biological medicines are “black triangle”
  • Understand that traceability is essential for pharmacovigilance of biological medicines

Lesson 6: Education

  • On successful completion of this section, you will be able to discuss the importance of education and the role of pharmacists

Lesson 7: Case-based Scenarios

08 Mar, 2023

Antimicrobial Stewardship for Community Pharmacists

Start date

The programme aims to provide an educational resource on antimicrobial stewardship and to equip pharmacists with knowledge and tools to optimise antibiotic use for the general public and their patients. 

As 90% of antimicrobial use in Ireland is in the community the objective is to inform the community pharmacist workforce on antimicrobial stewardship principles and prepare them to implement these as part of their day-to-day practice.

This will be done in this interactive eLearning resource by introducing learner

The focus of this IIOP online training programme is to raise awareness amongst pharmacists of antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial stewardship principles, and to highlight the important role of the pharmacist in optimising antibiotic use and reducing antimicrobial-related harm in a person-centred way.

At the end of this programme learners will:

  • Be able to articulate the basic principles of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) & antimicrobial resistance,

  • Have an awareness of the role of AMRIC, the national clinical programme for antimicrobial resistance and infection control,

  • Appreciate the national AMS initiatives and their rationale, including the red/green antibiotic list,

  • Be familiar with how to access the relevant supports & clinical resources,

  • Be able to articulate issues to ensure maximum benefit and minimum harm for the people who take antimicrobials,

  • Have increased confidence to implement AMS in their work practices.

03 Jul, 2023

Diagnosis and Treatment of a Severe Angina Attack and the Supply and Administration of Glyceryl Trinitrate

Start date

Diagnosis and Treatment of a Severe Angina Attack and the Supply and Administration of Glyceryl Trinitrate Training Programme

This programme is a fully online and self-directed training programme, designed and delivered by NICPLD. The programme aims to help you acquire new knowledge and provide you with opportunities to develop skills in reviewing the literature on clinical studies. It also aims to assist you in interpreting the clinical evidence presented and derive your own conclusions based on this evidence.

As the programme is online and self-directed, it is designed to be interactive and may take approximately two hours to complete. Participants will engage in self-assessment, case study scenarios and learning assessment activities while working through the various elements in the programme. The design allows you to work through the various sections in your own time and you do not have to complete the online programme in one sitting.

In advance of administering vaccinations and emergency medicines, pharmacists should review the PSI training requirements to ensure they have completed all the required training programmes. The PSI training requirements can be viewed here: PSI website

You must be logged in to book a place on this programme. 

The aim of this training is to enable pharmacists to:

  • Diagnose and treat a severe angina attack
  • Refresh their knowledge on the properties and usage of glyceryl trinitrate
  • Supply and administer glyceryl trinitrate in emergency situations in line with S.I. No. 449/2015
  • Identify exclusion criteria and precautions associated with glyceryl trinitrate use
  • Manage possible side effects or adverse events resulting from administration of glyceryl trinitrate
  • Store glyceryl trinitrate in line with the SmPC
  • Make appropriate records following supply and administration of glyceryl trinitrate in an emergency
12 Sep, 2023

Delivery of Pharmacy Services in Residential Care

Start date

This self-directed online training programme aims to provide pharmacists with the information they require to provide pharmacy services to residents in care settings. Through the learning on this programme, pharmacists will become familiar with their regulatory requirements when providing services to residential care facilities along with the practical aspects of providing the service. The programme should take approximately two hours to complete.

The learning objective it met through achievement of the learning outcomes below.

At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

  • Describe the different types of residential care
  • Describe the legislation and regulation governing residential care home services
  • Identify staff training requirements for different residential care homes and how the pharmacist could be involved in addressing them
  • List the minimum Standard Operating Procedures that would be required for the delivery of pharmacy services to residential care
  • Identify the different patient/resident groups within residential care homes
  • Determine the different challenges in providing pharmacy services to different population groups
  • Recognise the human rights issues that need to be considered when providing care to individual patients in a residential care home
  • Describe an MPAR (Medicines Prescriptions and Administration Record)
  • Identify areas where the pharmacist can assist homes to manage medicines.
  • Identify the 10 rights of medicines administration
  • Understand the common issues with specific medications
  • Identify practical problems that may arise with medicine management within a residential care home
  • Identify the challenges of going beyond the supply of medications to ensuring safe administration of medicines
  • Describe a Medication Reconciliation and Medication Review
  • Understand the importance of error reporting and management

The programme contains three modules of learning content;

  • Residents and settings
  • Medicines Management
  • Operation’s and Inter-professional Collaboration

With a fourth module containing practice scenarios to allow pharmacists to consider their learning in a practical way.

27 Oct, 2023

Management of Benzodiazepines and Z-drugs

Start date

The learning objective of this self-directed, online programme is to educate healthcare professionals on the legislation pertaining to benzodiazepines and the implications that has on the management of benzodiazepines in practice.

Course content will include examination of national guidelines relating to the management of benzodiazepines in clinical practice, details of the legislative requirements and the implications of this on practice, an investigation of the current issues that pertain to benzodiazepines, and possible strategies that could be employed in a collaborative approach to address these. The training programme will include interactive learning opportunities that incorporate examples and scenarios from primary practice.

The programme is a self-directed fully online training programme which may take approximately two hours to complete.

The training programme is designed to ensure achievement of the learning outcomes which are as follows:

a) Identify the general factors that must be considered in the management of benzodiazepines and z-drugs in the primary care setting; 

b) Understand the implications of the introduction of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017 on the prescribing and dispensing of benzodiazepines and z-drugs; 

c) Articulate the specific factors that should be addressed by Practitioners in the prescribing, supply and ongoing review of patients who are taking benzodiazepines and z-drugs; 

d) Identify the potential risks associated with benzodiazepines and z-drugs in the primary care setting and strategies to mitigate these; 

e) Describe strategies that could be employed in a collaborative approach to patient care in the management of benzodiazepines and z-drugs.

24 Nov, 2023
Online Resources

Medication Without Harm

Start date

The aim of this online training is to help you reduce severe, avoidable medication related harm by applying the concepts of Know, Check, Ask and person-centred care.

    By completing this training, you will be able to:

    • Describe the WHO’s Patient Safety Challenge, Medication without Harm.
    • Assess the burden of harm associated with each of the 3 contributors to medication related harm (transitions of care, high risk situations and polypharmacy).
    • Evaluate the roles of various healthcare professionals in medication use.
    • Apply the concepts of the HSE Know, Check, Ask campaign and person-centred care to your practice.
    24 Nov, 2023

    Opioid Substitution Treatment and Harm Reduction

    Start date

    This programme has been developed by the Health Service Executive (Addiction Services) as one of a number of CPD programmes for pharmacists in the area of addiction.  

    This programme is an online programme and comprises two modules: (1) Harm Reduction and; (2) Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST). Harm Reduction is intended as an introductory module and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.  The main module "Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST)" takes approximately 90 minutes to complete.  

    You must be logged in to book a place on this programme.

    At the end of this programme you will be able to:

    • define harm reduction and its role in treating people who use drugs;
    • describe the role of pharmacy in implementing harm reduction services;
    • identify the legal requirements and practice guidance from the PSI relevant to opioid substitution treatment (OST) that will help you practice legally;
    • describe the pharmacology of OST;
    • describe the elements of an OST programme to ensure safe and rational supply of opioid agonist medication;
    • identify actions to enhance the provision of harm reduction services in the pharmacy.
    12 Jan, 2024

    Polypharmacy and Medication Review

    Start date

    This eLearning programme gives an overview of polypharmacy, tools that can be used when managing and supporting patients on multiple medicines and the role of the pharmacist.

    The focus of this programme is to provide pharmacists with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to assist patients and advise prescribers, to maximise the benefits and minimise the harms of taking multiple medications. 

    Case studies and clinical scenarios will be included to demonstrate best practice and to encourage application of leanings. 

    The intended audience is qualified pharmacists practicing in Ireland in both community and hospital settings.

    Following completion of this training programme, learners will be able to:

    • Describe what polypharmacy is
    • Recognise appropriate and inappropriate polypharmacy
    • Describe how polypharmacy can occur
    • Describe the types of Medication Review, their role and their limitations
    • Describe tools that can be used to identify potentially inappropriate prescribing/polypharmacy
    • Outline some high-risk medication classes and the circumstances in which their potential harms might outweigh benefits
    • Work in partnership with the patient, educating patients to optimise complex medication regimens and minimise the potential for adverse outcomes and to sign post patients to other services where appropriate
    • Undertake patient-centred discussions about polypharmacy, prioritise interventions and agree referral strategies as part of a multidisciplinary team
    • Signpost to Existing Resources and Toolkits.
    18 Jan, 2024

    Brief Intervention and Needle Provision Service

    Start date

    This programme has been developed by the Health Service Executive (Addiction Services) as one of a number of CPD programmes for pharmacists in the area of addiction.  

    The programme can be taken entirely online and comprises two modules: (1) Brief Intervention in Pharmacy Harm Reduction Services and; (2) Needle and Foil Provision. Each module takes approximately one hour to complete.

    You must be logged in to book a place on this programme

    Four learning outcomes have been identified for this programme.  At the end of this programme you will:

    • be able to describe what is meant by brief intervention and its role in pharmacy harm reduction services (such as Opioid treatment provision or needle and syringe programme (NSP);
    • be able to identify elements required for delivery of a safe, quality pharmacy NSP;
    • have the necessary knowledge and skills to support the development of policies and procedures required for implementation of a NSP;
    • be able to identify actions to enhance the delivery of a NSP in the pharmacy.
    19 Jan, 2024

    CCF Roadshow Recorded Presentation

    Start date

    This is a recorded version of the presentation from the "CPD & the revised Core Competency Framework" Roadshows that took place regionally in 2023.

    To access this recording click "Book me to this Event" and then "Go to Course"

    This recorded webinar provides information on the 2023 changes to the Core Competency Framework (CCF) and its CPD implications. It provides the opportunity to explore how the revised Core Competency Framework (CCF) supports your CPD.

    It will cover changes to the CCF, and provide guidance on how to self-assess against the revised framework, using objective evidence, feedback and reflective practice.

    22 Feb, 2024

    Responding to an Emergency Situation & Management of Anaphylaxis

    Start date

    This online course is divided into two distinct sections Responding to an Emergency Situation and the Management of Anaphylaxis. 

    This course is a 4 hour self-directed fully online training programme.

    In advance of administering vaccinations and emergency medicines, pharmacists should review the PSI training requirements to ensure they have completed all the required training programmes. The PSI training requirements can be viewed here: PSI website

    You must be logged in to book a place on this course.

    On successful completion of this programme participants should be able to:

    • Respond to, and prepare for, an emergency in the pharmacy setting
    • Perform relevant diagnoses on patients in order to administer the correct medicine in an emergency situation
    • Treat a patient (post drug administration) who is suffering from an adverse reaction or delayed adverse reactions
    • Diagnose and treat anaphylaxis in both adults and children
    • Supply and administer adrenaline to both adults and children in emergency situations
    14 Mar, 2024

    Pharmacy and Medicines Legislation

    Start date

    The Pharmacy and Medicines Legislation training programme is a self-directed online training programme which will take approximately three to four to complete.

    The aim of this programme is to provide a comprehensive overview of:

    • pharmacy and medicines legislation that apply to the practice of pharmacy,
    • practical applications of legislation, and its interaction with other tools such as the Code of Conduct for Pharmacists.

    Following completion of the training programme, the learner will be able to:

    1. Describe the legislative process as it relates to pharmacy, how to find and interpret legislation and articulate why legislation is important for pharmacists and the practice of pharmacy
    2. Articulate the role and function of the PSI
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of pharmacy and medicines legislation relevant to the role of pharmacists practising in Ireland
    4. Reflect on the practical application of legislation relevant to practice
    10 Jun, 2024

    Delivery of a Pharmacy-Based Vaccination Service

    Start date

    The Delivery of a Pharmacy-based Vaccination Service Training Programme covers how to prepare the pharmacist, pharmacy team and premises for the delivery of a vaccination service. You must have a Certificate of Completion for this training programme in order to supply and administer any of the vaccinations. Pharmacists are asked to reflect, self-assess and to evaluate whether they need to refresh their training in this programme, in order to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to safely deliver a vaccination service. The PSI requires that this training programme is repeated if a pharmacist has not vaccinated in the past 12 months (or influenza season).

    In advance of administering vaccinations pharmacists should review the PSI training requirements to ensure they have completed all the required training programmes to administer vaccinations. The PSI training requirements can be viewed here: PSI website

    The programme is a self-directed fully online training programme which may take approximately two hours to complete.

    You must be logged in to book a place on this course

    On successful completion of this programme pharmacists should be able to competently and safely:

    • Prepare the pharmacy setting for a vaccination service
    • Perform relevant assessment of patients in order to administer the correct medicine
    05 Jul, 2024

    Answering Medicines Related Questions in Practice

    Start date

    This programme is a fully online and self-directed training programme, designed and delivered by the IIOP in conjunction with the National Medicines Information Centre (NMIC) St James’s Hospital, Dublin.  This course is intended for all registered pharmacists as a two-hour self-directed e-learning programme.


    You must be logged in to the IIOP website to book a place on this training resource.

    The learning objective of this training programme is to help pharmacists reflect on and develop the way in which they respond to medicines-related queries in practice. Through the learning on this programme and the use of practice opportunities, the pharmacist will become familiar with the use of evidence-based reputable information resources to help formulate responses to medicines-related queries that they would encounter in their practice. Participants are encouraged to reflect on their current practice when answering medicines related questions in practice by interacting with practice scenarios, developed from questions received by the NMIC and presented to reflect a typical interaction pharmacist would experience on a daily basis in practice. 

    The learning objective is achieved through the achievement of four learning outcomes:

    1. Reflect on their own behaviours and outcomes when responding to medicines related questions in current practice
    2. Identify essential information required to answer a medicines-related question;
    3. Research a medicines-related question using appropriate information resources
    4. Understand the principles of formulating an answer to a medicines-related query and apply to practical examples.
    09 Jul, 2024
    Accredited Online Programmes

    Lithium - A Clinical Overview

    Start date

    This programme is a self-directed fully online training programme which will take approximately 2 hours to complete. The programme was developed for the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) by Learn it Online Ltd.

    The aim of this programme is to refresh and build on the existing clinical knowledge of pharmacists, with respect to Lithium. Specifically, the aim is to equip pharmacists with knowledge and tools to competently and safely dispense this medication, and counsel patients in a consistent, safe and effective manner.

    You must be logged in to the IIOP website to book a place on this training programme.

    By completing this training, you will:

    • Update your clinical knowledge and understanding of the modes of action and uses of Lithium
    • Acquire evidence-based knowledge of the side effects and monitoring requirements of Lithium, particularly with regard to patient safety and support,
    • Be familiar with the relevant available clinical resources, and where these are found,
    • Be able to articulate issues to be considered in ensuring the safety of people who take Lithium,
    • Be able to identify, prevent, minimise, resolve and follow-up medication safety issues associated with this medicine,
    • Have the confidence to support your patients undergoing treatment with Lithium.
    09 Jul, 2024
    Accredited Online Programmes

    Clozapine - A Clinical Overview

    Start date

    This programme is a self-directed fully online training programme which will take approximately 2 hours to complete. The programme was developed for the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) by Learn it Online Ltd.

    The aim of this programme is to refresh and build on the existing clinical knowledge of pharmacists, with respect to Clozapine. Specifically the aim of the training is to equip pharmacists with knowledge and tools to competently and safely counsel patients who are prescribed Clozapine and to ensure safe supplies where appropriate.

    You must be logged in to the IIOP website to book a place on this training programme.

    By completing this training, you will:

    • Update your clinical knowledge and understanding of the modes of action and uses of Clozapine,
    • Acquire evidence-based knowledge of the side effects and monitoring requirements of Clozapine, particularly with regard to patient support,
    • Be familiar with the relevant available clinical resources, and where these are found,
    • Be able to articulate issues to be considered in ensuring the safety of people who take Clozapine,
    • Be able to identify, prevent, minimise, resolve and follow-up medication safety issues associated with this medicine,
    • Have the confidence to support your patients undergoing treatment with Clozapine.
    09 Jul, 2024
    Accredited Online Programmes

    Oral Anticancer Medicines

    Start date

    The Oral Anticancer Medicines Training Programme is a self-directed online training programme which contains four modules, each of which will take approximately 30 - 45 minutes to complete. The programme was developed for the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) by Hibernian Healthcare. The clinical aspects addressed in this programme specification are intended to refresh and build on the existing knowledge-base and expertise of pharmacists with respect to Oral Anticancer Medicines (OAM). Specifically the aim of the training is to enable pharmacists to competently and safely dispense Oral Anticancer Medicines and counsel patients in a consistent, safe and effective manner. The training programme will support safe administration, safe handling, and the identification and management of side effects pertaining to Oral Anticancer Medicines.

    1. Understanding Cancer in Ireland

    This module focuses on some background information on cancer suitable for healthcare professionals working in a primary care setting. At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

      • Describe cancer including causes, prevention and incidence in Ireland
      • Outline the roles and implications of national advisory bodies in the prevention, early detection, treatment and management of cancer e.g. NCCP, ICPN, NCPE, Healthy Ireland
      • Identify sources of guidance for obtaining information on specific treatments and side effects.
      • Describe pathways for referral of patients from primary to secondary care
      • Identify education and patient information leaflets patients and carers should receive from their treating hospital/ other sources
    1. Cancer Treatment Options

    This module highlights the different treatment modalities available for cancer but focuses on the use of OAM. At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

    • Describe the use of systemic therapy (including chemotherapy / immunotherapy / hormonal therapy / monoclonal antibodies etc.), radiotherapy, surgical oncology and supportive care to achieve treatment goals.
    • Differentiate between curative, adjuvant, neo-adjuvant and palliative treatment goals, when these each apply and the clinical implications of same
    • Describe classification of OAM and hormonal agents
    • Discuss common OAM regimens used and awareness of national NCCP chemotherapy regimens
    • Identify sources of further guidance for obtaining information on specific treatments and side effects
    1. OAM Prescribing and Dispensing

    This module focuses on the aspects involved in the prescribing and safe dispensing of OAM. At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

    • Accurately verify OAM prescriptions within scope of practice
        • Use of national NCCP chemotherapy regimens and other reference sources
    • Perform pharmaceutical dosing calculations accurately, e.g.
    • Weight or Body Surface Area calculations
      • Demonstrate awareness of dose banding, capping and rounding
      • Demonstrate basic understanding of occupational hazards of exposure to;
        •  Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy drugs including oral anti-cancer medicines (OAM)
        • Waste
          • including basic safe handling procedures i.e. disposal of chemotherapeutic waste

    Explain the processes for acquisition, storage and supply of Oral Anti-Cancer Medicines


    1. OAM - Patient Counselling including Toxicity

    This module focuses on some key points in relation to patient counselling for patients on OAM. At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

      • Identify ways to support patient adherence to OAM regimens
        • Include importance of adhering to dosing schedule
      • Describe issues surrounding adverse events and toxicity management in relation to OAM
    • Identify symptoms and management of toxicity
        • Awareness of the requirement for monitoring blood counts with some OAM  (at hospital level)
        • Dose reductions in renal and hepatic impairment
        • Knowledge on  identification, monitoring and appropriate reporting of adverse drug events
    • Recognise the clinical significance of drug-drug and drug-food interactions with OAM and drugs used to prevent and alleviate symptoms
      • Outline the effectiveness, safety and potential for interactions of OAM with complementary and alternative medicines
      • Identify sources of further guidance for obtaining information on specific treatments and side effects
    10 Jul, 2024

    Administration of Herpes Zoster Vaccination

    Start date

    The Administration of Herpes Zoster Vaccine Training Programme enables pharmacists to competently and safely administer the Herpes Zoster (Shingles) vaccine.

    The certificate for the Administration of Herpes Zoster Vaccine Training Programme is valid for two years.

    The programme is a self-directed fully online training programme which may take approximately two hours to complete.

    You must be logged in to book a place on this course. 

    In advance of administering the Herpes Zoster Vaccine pharmacists should review the PSI training requirements to ensure they have completed all the required training programmes to administer this vaccine. The PSI training requirements can be viewed here: PSI website

    On successful completion of this programme participants should be able to competently and safely:

    • Respond to, and prepare for, a request for Herpes Zoster (Shingles) vaccination in the pharmacy setting
    • Perform relevant assessment of patients in order to administer the correct medicine
    • Administer Herpes Zoster (Shingles) vaccine in adults
    07 Aug, 2024

    Administration of Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine

    Start date

    The Administration of Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Training Course enables pharmacists to competently and safely administer the Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine. 

    The certificate for the Administration of Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Training Course is valid for two years.

    The programme is a self-directed fully online training programme which may take approximately two hours to complete.

    You must be logged in to book a place on this course. 

    In advance of administering the Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine pharmacists should review the PSI training requirements to ensure they have completed all the required training programmes to administer this vaccine. The PSI training requirements can be viewed here: PSI website

    On successful completion of this programme participants should be able to competently and safely:

    • Respond to, and prepare for, a request for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination in the pharmacy setting
    • Perform relevant assessment of patients in order to administer the correct medicine
    • Administer pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine to adults
    07 Aug, 2024

    Administration of Influenza Vaccination (2024/25)

    Start date

    The Administration of Influenza Vaccine Training Programme enables pharmacists to competently and safely administer the influenza vaccination in the pharmacy setting. 

    The Administration of Influenza Vaccine Training Programme is valid only for the influenza season to which it relates and therefore must be completed for each season in which the pharmacist intends to administer the influenza vaccination. Pharmacists require a certificate of completion for this training course and must satisfy the other training requirements as outlined by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland if they wish to administer the influenza vaccination during the 2024/2025 influenza season.

    The programme is a self-directed fully online training programme which will take approximately two hours to complete.

    You must be logged in to book a place on this course. 

    In advance of administering the Influenza Vaccine pharmacists should review the PSI training requirements to ensure they have completed all the required training programmes to administer this vaccine. The PSI training requirements can be viewed here:

    On successful completion of this programme pharmacists should be able to competently and safely:

    • Respond to, and prepare for, a request for influenza vaccination in the pharmacy setting
    • Perform relevant assessment of patients in order to administer the correct medicine
    • Administer influenza vaccine to adults and children (aged 6 months and over)
    16 Aug, 2024

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypoglycaemia and the Supply and Administration of Glucagon

    Start date

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypoglycaemia and the Supply and Administration of Glucagon Training Programme

    This programme is a fully online and self-directed training programme, designed and delivered by NICPLD. The programme aims to help you acquire new knowledge and provide you with opportunities to develop skills in reviewing the literature on clinical studies.  It also aims to assist you in interpreting the clinical evidence presented and derive your own conclusions based on this evidence.

    As the programme is online and self-directed, it is designed to be interactive and may take approximately two hours to complete. Participants will engage in self-assessment, case study scenarios and learning assessment activities while working through the various elements in the programme. The design allows you to work through the various sections in your own time and you do not have to complete the online programme in one sitting.

    In advance of administering vaccinations and emergency medicines, pharmacists should review the PSI training requirements to ensure they have completed all the required training programmes. The PSI training requirements can be viewed here: PSI website

    You must be logged in to book a place on this programme. 

    The aim of this training is to enable pharmacists to:

    • Diagnose and treat hypoglycaemia
    • Refresh their knowledge on the properties and usage of glucagon
    • Supply and administer glucagon in emergency situations in line with SI 449 of 2015
    • Manage possible side effects or adverse events resulting from administration of glucagon
    • Store glucagon in line with the SmPC
    • Make appropriate records following supply and administration of glucagon in an emergency
    • To provide pharmacists with the knowledge to provide emergency care to patients with diabetes
    09 Sep, 2024
    Accredited Online Programmes


    Start date

    This online course aims to build on your existing theoretical and practical knowledge of diabetes in the context of pharmacy in Ireland.

    It should take approximately 10 hours to complete; however this does not have to take place over one sitting.  


    To provide health professionals with the knowledge to deliver evidence-based care to patients with diabetes.

    Having completed this course you should be able to:

    • identify risk factors associated with developing diabetes
    • distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes
    • describe evidence-based practice in managing patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
    • recognise the various parameters that are used to judge metabolic control
    • make recommendations to prevent the complications of diabetes or manage them should they occur and educate patients in relation to this
    • provide guidance on monitoring diabetes in special cases, such as pregnancy
    • provide accurate, quality and safe information to patients and healthcare professionals regarding pharmacological management of diabetes
      • encourage and facilitate patient adherence to medicines.
    09 Sep, 2024
    Accredited Online Programmes

    Cardiovascular Risk

    Start date

    This online course aims to build on your existing theoretical and practical knowledge of cardiovascular risk in the context of pharmacy in Ireland.

    It should take approximately 6 hours to complete; however this does not have to take place over one sitting


    To promote effective management of hypertension and dyslipidaemia thereby assisting patients to reduce their risk of CVD.

    Following completion of this course, you should be able to:

    • define CVD, disease burden and public health policy in Ireland
    • promote role of pharmacists in identifying and assessing CV risk factors
    • use evidence-based guidelines and resources to conduct medication reviews and optimise treatment of hypertension and dyslipidemia
    • educate patients about CVD prevention, self-management and lifestyle strategies
    • provide accurate and safe information to patients and HCPs on the drug management of CV risk factors
    • encourage and facilitate patient adherence to medicines
    • prevent/resolve problems that patients experience with medicines
    • identify the need for, plan and implement new services relating to CVD prevention with a focus on optimising disease management.
    09 Sep, 2024

    Supporting your Patients with a Chronic Respiratory Illness

    Start date

    The aim of this self-directed, online programme is to provide an overview of respiratory illness, medicines used to treat respiratory illness and devices used for delivery of these medicines. The programme will provide guidance on how pharmacists, practicing in primary care, can support patient’s self-management of their respiratory illness.

    The programme is fully on-line and should take 2-3 hours to complete.

    You must be logged in to the IIOP website to book a place on this training programme.

    Module 1: Respiratory Illness in Ireland (30 min approx.)

    Aim: To provide an overview of common respiratory illnesses and direct pharmacists to sources of further information.

    At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

    · Describe the burden of respiratory disease in Ireland

    · Define the most common respiratory illnesses in Ireland (COPD and Asthma) including causes, risk-factors, prevention (where applicable) and incidence in Ireland

    · Identify patient support groups for each of the illnesses

    · Identify education and patient information leaflets patients and carers should receive from their treating hospital/ other sources on diagnosis and for ongoing management of their illness


    Module 2: Medicines Management (45 min approx.)

    Aim: To further build on pharmacist’s knowledge of medicines used to treat respiratory illness and devices used for delivery of these medicines.

    At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

    · Describe the GINA (asthma) and GOLD (COPD) statements in relation to control of each chronic respiratory illness

    · Describe the different medications used to treat respiratory illnesses

    · Identify medications to prevent exacerbations and control symptoms and those to treat an exacerbation of the illness

    · explain the benefits, side-effects and interactions of inhaled medications and oral medications to treat respiratory conditions

    · identify the role of relievers and preventers in respiratory illness

    · detail the equivalent doses of inhaled corticosteroids

    · relay the benefits and issues with combination inhalers

    · be able to describe the types of inhalers currently available, their underlying principles, design and functionality, and highlight the similarities and differences between them and demonstrate the correct use of each of these devices

    · provide advice regarding the most appropriate inhaler device for a particular patient group and advise on the use of spacer devices and nebulisers where appropriate

    · have insight into the factors contributing to the effectiveness of inhaler therapy (including common mistakes made by patients) and ways to optimise treatment outcomes

    · be equipped with the knowledge and resources to explain and demonstrate the importance of a correct inhaler technique to patients

    · understand the patient requirements for an ideal inhaler device and support a personalised approach to inhaler therapy.


    Module 3: Supporting Patient Self-Management (30 min approx.)

    Aim: To provide guidance to pharmacists on how they can support patient’s self-management of their respiratory illness.

    At the end of this module, pharmacists will be able to;

    · Describe what patient self-management is including self-care plans

    · Provide advice to patients on living well with a respiratory illness e.g. the importance of vaccination, smoking cessation (if applicable) exercise and diet

    · identify tools which can help patients determine if their respiratory illness is well controlled (Asthma and COPD) how to monitor control and steps to take if control deteriorates

    · explain the complications that may develop due to poor control

    · Describe pulmonary rehabilitation and when it is used

    07 Oct, 2024

    IIOP/LIFT Online Roundtable Sessions (Mondays at 13.00)

    Start date




    LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise initiative dedicated to increasing positive leadership in Ireland. Our trained facilitators conduct weekly roundtable sessions over eight weeks, accommodating approximately six participants. These sessions are specifically designed for pharmacists committed to enhancing their leadership capabilities and fostering a culture of positive leadership within the workplace and the wider pharmacy profession.


    Each week (for eight weeks) in the online roundtable sessions, participants will explore a specific leadership value, including Listening, Positive Attitude, Respect, Competence, Determination, Empathy & Understanding, Accountability, and Honesty & Integrity. The roundtable sessions are guided by facilitators using the LIFT approach and format. For more information, you can watch a short introductory video here LIFT Introduction or visit

    What will It Involve

    Each roundtable, of 4-6 people per group, is impartially lead by a certified facilitator. During each session, a roundtable group will read specially assigned material exploring one of the course’s eight leadership values. During a series of subsequent action steps within the session, participants are encouraged to share their opinions in a completely unbiased, non-judgemental environment. The 40 minute round table sessions are designed to allow the space for each member to fully reflect on what specific leadership values mean to them. 

    If you would like to experience a LIFT Roundtable before committing, you can book a Roundtable through this link to see if it’s the right fit for you. Please note that these sessions will not be pharmacist-specific groups, but they will give you a sense of what a Roundtable is like.


    What will I Learn

    Upon completing the LIFT Ireland roundtable sessions, participants will have:

    • Enhanced leadership skills: A deeper understanding and practical application of key leadership values, such as accountability, empathy and understanding.
    • Improved communication: Strengthened listening skills and the ability to engage more effectively with colleagues, patients, and teams.
    • Increased self-awareness: Greater insight into personal leadership strengths and areas for growth, enabling more confident and authentic leadership.
    • Stronger problem-solving abilities: Enhanced critical thinking skills, allowing for better decision-making and handling of complex challenges in the pharmacy environment.
    • A positive leadership mindset: The tools to foster a culture of positivity, integrity, and respect within their professional practice.
    • Lasting connections: A supportive network of peers to continue exchanging ideas and strategies for personal and professional growth.

    Feedback and Continuous Improvement: After the programme, we encourage participants to provide feedback to help us improve future sessions and ensure they remain impactful for future pharmacists.

    14 Oct, 2024

    IIOP/LIFT Online Roundtable Sessions (Mondays at 19.30)

    Start date




    LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise initiative dedicated to increasing positive leadership in Ireland. Our trained facilitators conduct weekly roundtable sessions over eight weeks, accommodating approximately six participants. These sessions are specifically designed for pharmacists committed to enhancing their leadership capabilities and fostering a culture of positive leadership within the workplace and the wider pharmacy profession.


    Each week (for eight weeks) in the online roundtable sessions, participants will explore a specific leadership value, including Listening, Positive Attitude, Respect, Competence, Determination, Empathy & Understanding, Accountability, and Honesty & Integrity. The roundtable sessions are guided by facilitators using the LIFT approach and format. For more information, you can watch a short introductory video here  LIFT Introduction or visit

    What will It Involve

    Each roundtable, of 4-6 people per group, is impartially lead by a certified facilitator. During each session, a roundtable group will read specially assigned material exploring one of the course’s eight leadership values. During a series of subsequent action steps within the session, participants are encouraged to share their opinions in a completely unbiased, non-judgemental environment. The 40 minute round table sessions are designed to allow the space for each member to fully reflect on what specific leadership values mean to them. 

    If you would like to experience a LIFT Roundtable before committing, you can book a Roundtable through this link to see if it’s the right fit for you. Please note that these sessions will not be pharmacist-specific groups, but they will give you a sense of what a Roundtable is like.

    What will I Learn

    Upon completing the LIFT Ireland roundtable sessions, participants will have:

    • Enhanced leadership skills: A deeper understanding and practical application of key leadership values, such as accountability, empathy and understanding.
    • Improved communication: Strengthened listening skills and the ability to engage more effectively with colleagues, patients, and teams.
    • Increased self-awareness: Greater insight into personal leadership strengths and areas for growth, enabling more confident and authentic leadership.
    • Stronger problem-solving abilities: Enhanced critical thinking skills, allowing for better decision-making and handling of complex challenges in the pharmacy environment.
    • A positive leadership mindset: The tools to foster a culture of positivity, integrity, and respect within their professional practice.
    • Lasting connections: A supportive network of peers to continue exchanging ideas and strategies for personal and professional growth.

    Feedback and Continuous Improvement: After the programme, we encourage participants to provide feedback to help us improve future sessions and ensure they remain impactful for future pharmacists.

    14 Oct, 2024

    Managing Conflict in Pharmacy Practice Training Workshop -Evening

    Start date

    The IIOP is delighted to offer bespoke Managing Conflict in Pharmacy Practice training workshops for pharmacists. This workshop is open to all pharmacists and will be delivered virtually over Zoom on Tuesday the 15th of October from 7.00pm to 9.30pm.

    *** Please note, spaces are limited for this workshop, if you cannot make it please un-enrol so that your place can be allocated to someone on the waiting list! ***

    What will it involve? 

    The aim of the workshop is to provide training to pharmacists on conflict management (including de-escalation techniques) and to equip pharmacists with knowledge and tools to recognise and respond to conflict productively. 

      About the event facilitators: 

      Training workshops will be facilitated by Marcomm Training, an award-winning training consultancy with expertise in essential management skills development. 

      On completion of this workshop, participants should be able to: 

      • Recognise and understand conflict and its causes 
      • Identify their own conflict style 
      • Recognise and respond appropriately to different situations, including responding to assertive and aggressive behaviour 
      • Use interventions to move forward through conflict positively 
      • Know when and how to diffuse/ deescalate a situation 
        • Create their own personal conflict management plan
      15 Oct, 2024

      IIOP/LIFT Online Roundtable Sessions (Wednesdays at 12.30)

      Start date




      LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise initiative dedicated to increasing positive leadership in Ireland. Our trained facilitators conduct weekly roundtable sessions over eight weeks, accommodating approximately six participants. These sessions are specifically designed for pharmacists committed to enhancing their leadership capabilities and fostering a culture of positive leadership within the workplace and the wider pharmacy profession.


      Each week (for eight weeks) in the online roundtable sessions, participants will explore a specific leadership value, including Listening, Positive Attitude, Respect, Competence, Determination, Empathy & Understanding, Accountability, and Honesty & Integrity. The roundtable sessions are guided by facilitators using the LIFT approach and format. For more information, you can watch a short introductory video here  LIFT Introduction or visit

      What will It Involve

      Each roundtable, of 4-6 people per group, is impartially lead by a certified facilitator. During each session, a roundtable group will read specially assigned material exploring one of the course’s eight leadership values. During a series of subsequent action steps within the session, participants are encouraged to share their opinions in a completely unbiased, non-judgemental environment. The 40 minute round table sessions are designed to allow the space for each member to fully reflect on what specific leadership values mean to them. 

      If you would like to experience a LIFT Roundtable before committing, you can book a Roundtable through this link to see if it’s the right fit for you. Please note that these sessions will not be pharmacist-specific groups, but they will give you a sense of what a Roundtable is like.

      What will I Learn

      Upon completing the LIFT Ireland roundtable sessions, participants will have:

      • Enhanced leadership skills: A deeper understanding and practical application of key leadership values, such as accountability, empathy and understanding.
      • Improved communication: Strengthened listening skills and the ability to engage more effectively with colleagues, patients, and teams.
      • Increased self-awareness: Greater insight into personal leadership strengths and areas for growth, enabling more confident and authentic leadership.
      • Stronger problem-solving abilities: Enhanced critical thinking skills, allowing for better decision-making and handling of complex challenges in the pharmacy environment.
      • A positive leadership mindset: The tools to foster a culture of positivity, integrity, and respect within their professional practice.
      • Lasting connections: A supportive network of peers to continue exchanging ideas and strategies for personal and professional growth.

      Feedback and Continuous Improvement: After the programme, we encourage participants to provide feedback to help us improve future sessions and ensure they remain impactful for future pharmacists.

      16 Oct, 2024

      ePortfolio Review Webinar Wednesday 16 October 2024

      Start date

      Have you been called for ePortfolio Review this year? Are you unsure about what’s expected and how to prepare? Then this webinar is for you. This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and will specifically focus on the key requirements of the review so that you will know exactly what to expect at each point in the process.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This will include:

      • Sharing the background as to how the process has evolved
      • The 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Standards and how to self-assess against them
      • The key timelines for the review
      • An introduction to the ePortfolio Review training support resources
      • Opportunity to ask any questions on the process

      Note: Whilst this event is geared towards pharmacists that have been selected for this year’s ePortfolio Review, any pharmacists that are interested in learning more about the ePortfolio Review process are welcome to participate.

      16 Oct, 2024

      Prescription Extension Workshop - 16 October 2024

      Start date

       This workshop will be delivered virtually over Zoom on Wednesday 16 October 7.00pm to 9.00pm

      *** Please note, spaces are limited for this workshop, if you cannot make it, please un-enrol so that your place can be allocated to someone on the waiting list! ***

      This workshop will take place online and will be facilitated by Dr. Aisling O’Leary, Ms. Claire O’Neill & Dr. Matthew Lynch of the School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences at RCSI

      Pharmacists participating in this workshop will learn:

      • To apply the decision making tool to decide when prescription extension may be safely and appropriately undertaken
      • To engage with patients in a shared decision making process about prescription extension
      • To plan to incorporate prescription extension into their practice
      • To access the range of resources available.
      16 Oct, 2024

      IIOP/LIFT Online Roundtable Sessions (Thursdays at 19.00)

      Start date




      LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise initiative dedicated to increasing positive leadership in Ireland. Our trained facilitators conduct weekly roundtable sessions over eight weeks, accommodating approximately six participants. These sessions are specifically designed for pharmacists committed to enhancing their leadership capabilities and fostering a culture of positive leadership within the workplace and the wider pharmacy profession.


      Each week (for eight weeks) in the online roundtable sessions, participants will explore a specific leadership value, including Listening, Positive Attitude, Respect, Competence, Determination, Empathy & Understanding, Accountability, and Honesty & Integrity. The roundtable sessions are guided by facilitators using the LIFT approach and format. For more information, you can watch a short introductory video here LIFT Introduction or visit

      What will It Involve

      Each roundtable, of 4-6 people per group, is impartially lead by a certified facilitator. During each session, a roundtable group will read specially assigned material exploring one of the course’s eight leadership values. During a series of subsequent action steps within the session, participants are encouraged to share their opinions in a completely unbiased, non-judgemental environment. The 40 minute round table sessions are designed to allow the space for each member to fully reflect on what specific leadership values mean to them. 

      If you would like to experience a LIFT Roundtable before committing, you can book a Roundtable through this link to see if it’s the right fit for you. Please note that these sessions will not be pharmacist-specific groups, but they will give you a sense of what a Roundtable is like.

      What will I Learn

      Upon completing the LIFT Ireland roundtable sessions, participants will have:

      • Enhanced leadership skills: A deeper understanding and practical application of key leadership values, such as accountability, empathy and understanding.
      • Improved communication: Strengthened listening skills and the ability to engage more effectively with colleagues, patients, and teams.
      • Increased self-awareness: Greater insight into personal leadership strengths and areas for growth, enabling more confident and authentic leadership.
      • Stronger problem-solving abilities: Enhanced critical thinking skills, allowing for better decision-making and handling of complex challenges in the pharmacy environment.
      • A positive leadership mindset: The tools to foster a culture of positivity, integrity, and respect within their professional practice.
      • Lasting connections: A supportive network of peers to continue exchanging ideas and strategies for personal and professional growth.

      Feedback and Continuous Improvement: After the programme, we encourage participants to provide feedback to help us improve future sessions and ensure they remain impactful for future pharmacists.

      17 Oct, 2024

      IIOP/LIFT Online Roundtable Sessions (Fridays at 8.00am)

      Start date




      LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise initiative dedicated to increasing positive leadership in Ireland. Our trained facilitators conduct weekly roundtable sessions over eight weeks, accommodating approximately six participants. These sessions are specifically designed for pharmacists committed to enhancing their leadership capabilities and fostering a culture of positive leadership within the workplace and the wider pharmacy profession.


      Each week (for eight weeks) in the online roundtable sessions, participants will explore a specific leadership value, including Listening, Positive Attitude, Respect, Competence, Determination, Empathy & Understanding, Accountability, and Honesty & Integrity. The roundtable sessions are guided by facilitators using the LIFT approach and format. For more information, you can watch a short introductory video here LIFT Introduction or visit

      What will It Involve

      Each roundtable, of 4-6 people per group, is impartially lead by a certified facilitator. During each session, a roundtable group will read specially assigned material exploring one of the course’s eight leadership values. During a series of subsequent action steps within the session, participants are encouraged to share their opinions in a completely unbiased, non-judgemental environment. The 40 minute round table sessions are designed to allow the space for each member to fully reflect on what specific leadership values mean to them. 

      If you would like to experience a LIFT Roundtable before committing, you can book a Roundtable through this link to see if it’s the right fit for you. Please note that these sessions will not be pharmacist-specific groups, but they will give you a sense of what a Roundtable is like.

      What will I Learn

      Upon completing the LIFT Ireland roundtable sessions, participants will have:

      • Enhanced leadership skills: A deeper understanding and practical application of key leadership values, such as accountability, resilience, and empathy.
      • Improved communication: Strengthened listening skills and the ability to engage more effectively with colleagues, patients, and teams.
      • Increased self-awareness: Greater insight into personal leadership strengths and areas for growth, enabling more confident and authentic leadership.
      • Stronger problem-solving abilities: Enhanced critical thinking skills, allowing for better decision-making and handling of complex challenges in the pharmacy environment.
      • A positive leadership mindset: The tools to foster a culture of positivity, integrity, and respect within their professional practice.
      • Lasting connections: A supportive network of peers to continue exchanging ideas and strategies for personal and professional growth.

      Feedback and Continuous Improvement: After the programme, we encourage participants to provide feedback to help us improve future sessions and ensure they remain impactful for future pharmacists.

      18 Oct, 2024

      Introduction to CPD Webinar Tuesday 22 October 2024

      Start date

      The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

      We know that getting started with a new way of working can be daunting, so each month we hold an introductory webinar for new members, and people who are just getting started using their IIOP ePortfolio.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This event will give an overview of: 

      • The background to the Institute of Pharmacy
      • The CPD system for Irish pharmacists
      • The quality assurance system for Irish pharmacists 
      • A practical demonstration of how to use the IIOP ePortfolio
      • A practical demonstration of how to access the IIOP online courses
      22 Oct, 2024

      Prescription Extension Workshop - 22 October 2024

      Start date

       This workshop will be delivered virtually over Zoom on Tuesday 22 October 7.00pm to 9.00pm

      *** Please note, spaces are limited for this workshop, if you cannot make it, please un-enrol so that your place can be allocated to someone on the waiting list! ***

      This workshop will take place online and will be facilitated by Dr. Aisling O’Leary, Ms. Claire O’Neill & Dr. Matthew Lynch of the School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences at RCSI

      Pharmacists participating in this workshop will learn:

      • To apply the decision making tool to decide when prescription extension may be safely and appropriately undertaken
      • To engage with patients in a shared decision making process about prescription extension
      • To plan to incorporate prescription extension into their practice
      • To access the range of resources available.
      22 Oct, 2024

      Critical Appraisal Skills Workshop (October 2024)

      Start date

      The IIOP is delighted to offer a Critical Appraisal Skills workshop this October. This workshop will be delivered virtually over Zoom on Wednesday 30th of October from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.

      *** Please note, spaces are limited for this workshop, if you cannot make it, please un-enrol so that your place can be allocated to someone on the waiting list! ***

      What will it involve? 

      The aim of the workshop is to equip pharmacists with foundation level critical appraisal knowledge and skills to interpret papers/studies/evidence and use this knowledge to support with medicine/clinical queries.

      The facilitators have developed some material to read through prior to the workshops, including a short video to view.

      The workshop will combine interactive teaching with small group work and discussions, with resources provided to use afterwards to consolidate your learning.

      On completion of this workshop, participants should be able to: 

      • Appreciate the steps of evidence based practice
      • Define the concept of critical appraisal in relation to clinical research;
      • Recognise the most common study design types and research methodologies;
      • Interpret study results, discussions, and overall quality;
      • Reflect on the relevance and applicability of research findings in the context of clinical practice.
      30 Oct, 2024

      ePortfolio Review Webinar Tuesday 5 November 2024

      Start date

      Have you been called for ePortfolio Review this year? Are you unsure about what’s expected and how to prepare? Then this webinar is for you. This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and will specifically focus on the key requirements of the review so that you will know exactly what to expect at each point in the process.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This will include:

      • Sharing the background as to how the process has evolved
      • The 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Standards and how to self-assess against them
      • The key timelines for the review
      • An introduction to the ePortfolio Review training support resources
      • Opportunity to ask any questions on the process

      Note: Whilst this event is geared towards pharmacists that have been selected for this year’s ePortfolio Review, any pharmacists that are interested in learning more about the ePortfolio Review process are welcome to participate.

      05 Nov, 2024

      Polypharmacy and Medication Review Workshop (November 2024)

      Start date

      The IIOP is delighted to offer this Polypharmacy and Medication Review workshop. This workshop will be delivered virtually over Zoom on Tuesday the 5 November from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.

      *** Please note, spaces are limited for this workshop, if you cannot make it, please un-enrol so that your place can be allocated to someone on the waiting list! ***

      What will it involve? 

      This workshop will focus on the more advanced aspects of the existing *Polypharmacy and Medication Review eLearning resource, how to apply learning from this resource, and to develop and practice skills and behaviours.

      *can be found here, under the "Online Resources" tab.

      On completion of this workshop, participants should be able to: 

      • Recognise appropriate and inappropriate polypharmacy 
      • Identify, prioritise, and plan to address medication issues among patients with polypharmacy as part of clinical medication review 
      • Collaborate with patients and healthcare professionals to address polypharmacy and medication issues in a shared-decision making process.
      05 Nov, 2024

      ePortfolio Review Webinar Monday 11 November 2024

      Start date

      Have you been called for ePortfolio Review this year? Are you unsure about what’s expected and how to prepare? Then this webinar is for you. This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and will specifically focus on the key requirements of the review so that you will know exactly what to expect at each point in the process.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This will include:

      • Sharing the background as to how the process has evolved
      • The 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Standards and how to self-assess against them
      • The key timelines for the review
      • An introduction to the ePortfolio Review training support resources
      • Opportunity to ask any questions on the process

      Note: Whilst this event is geared towards pharmacists that have been selected for this year’s ePortfolio Review, any pharmacists that are interested in learning more about the ePortfolio Review process are welcome to participate.

      11 Nov, 2024

      Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback Workshop

      Start date

      This is a virtual workshop delivered by Marcomm Training, 1.5 hours in duration, and takes places on Tuesday the 12th of November from 7.30pm - 9pm. It will focus on the following areas:

      • Giving Feedback: Provide pharmacists with the skills to give feedback appropriately and effectively, including how to prepare for feedback conversations
      • Receiving Feedback: This workshop will help pharmacists to understand the importance of seeking feedback, how to identify the most appropriate sources of feedback, how to ask for feedback, and how to receive and use feedback (particularly to shape ongoing CPD)


      12 Nov, 2024

      Mentorship Skills Training Programme for Pharmacists (Three Evenings)

      Start date

      Three Part Programme -  Wednesdays - 13th November, 20th November and 27th November 2024

      The programme will be delivered online over three evening sessions on the 13th, 20th and 27th November from 7.00pm to 9.00pm

      Please note that attendance to all three sessions is required in order to complete the training programme. 

      The team at Kingstown has a wealth of experience in online education, and the programme promises to be engaging and informative. 

      The aim of the training programme is to introduce pharmacists to recognised principles of mentorship and assist them to engage with examples and scenarios that will help them to implement these principles into their own practice. It would be particularly useful for pharmacists who have an interest in supporting colleagues and developing others. It would be anticipated that those participating in this programme would be open to initiating mentoring relationships within the profession as part of a formal mentoring programme in the future.

      On completion of this programme participants should be able to:

      • Understand the differences between mentoring and coaching
      • Recognise the benefits of a mentoring relationship for both parties
      • Describe the principles of mentoring including recognised theories and frameworks
      • Describe the different types of mentoring
      • Recognise what a good mentoring relationship looks like
      • Identify the core skills and qualities of an effective mentor
      • Identify the qualities of an effective mentee
      • Understand the stages of a mentoring relationship/cycle
      • Use appropriate goal-setting tools
      • Demonstrate key mentoring skills
      • Recognise the importance of the mentoring contract
      • Understand the limitations of a mentoring relationship
      • Explore the ways in which the skills, acquired in this course, can be used in practice

      As the numbers are limited for this event, if you are not able to attend please use the unenrol option to allow your place be allocated to someone on the waiting list.

      13 Nov, 2024

      Introduction to CPD Webinar Tuesday 19 November 2024

      Start date

      The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

      We know that getting started with a new way of working can be daunting, so each month we hold an introductory webinar for new members, and people who are just getting started using their IIOP ePortfolio.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This event will give an overview of: 

      • The background to the Institute of Pharmacy
      • The CPD system for Irish pharmacists
      • The quality assurance system for Irish pharmacists 
      • A practical demonstration of how to use the IIOP ePortfolio
      • A practical demonstration of how to access the IIOP online courses
      19 Nov, 2024

      ePortfolio Review WebinarWednesday 20 November 2024

      Start date

      Have you been called for ePortfolio Review this year? Are you unsure about what’s expected and how to prepare? Then this webinar is for you. This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and will specifically focus on the key requirements of the review so that you will know exactly what to expect at each point in the process.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This will include:

      • Sharing the background as to how the process has evolved
      • The 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Standards and how to self-assess against them
      • The key timelines for the review
      • An introduction to the ePortfolio Review training support resources
      • Opportunity to ask any questions on the process

      Note: Whilst this event is geared towards pharmacists that have been selected for this year’s ePortfolio Review, any pharmacists that are interested in learning more about the ePortfolio Review process are welcome to participate.

      20 Nov, 2024

      Reflective Practice & My Continuing Professional Development Webinar Monday 25 November 2024

      Start date

      The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

      The aim of this webinar is to support pharmacists with their own continued professional development and reflective practice.  This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and designed to provide support to pharmacists on how to write reflectively and to discuss how we as pharmacists undertake reflective practice.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area. This webinar will not be recorded.

      This event will include: 

      • What is reflective practice and how does it link to my CPD?
      • The benefits of reflective practice
      • Reflective Writing samples
      • Group discussion
      • An opportunity to ask any questions you might have
      25 Nov, 2024

      ePortfolio Review Webinar Tuesday 3 December 2024

      Start date

      Have you been called for ePortfolio Review this year? Are you unsure about what’s expected and how to prepare? Then this webinar is for you. This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and will specifically focus on the key requirements of the review so that you will know exactly what to expect at each point in the process.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This will include:

      • Sharing the background as to how the process has evolved
      • The 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Standards and how to self-assess against them
      • The key timelines for the review
      • An introduction to the ePortfolio Review training support resources
      • Opportunity to ask any questions on the process

      Note: Whilst this event is geared towards pharmacists that have been selected for this year’s ePortfolio Review, any pharmacists that are interested in learning more about the ePortfolio Review process are welcome to participate.

      03 Dec, 2024

      ePortfolio Review Webinar Tuesday 10 December 2024

      Start date

      Have you been called for ePortfolio Review this year? Are you unsure about what’s expected and how to prepare? Then this webinar is for you. This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and will specifically focus on the key requirements of the review so that you will know exactly what to expect at each point in the process.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This will include:

      • Sharing the background as to how the process has evolved
      • The 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Standards and how to self-assess against them
      • The key timelines for the review
      • An introduction to the ePortfolio Review training support resources
      • Opportunity to ask any questions on the process

      Note: Whilst this event is geared towards pharmacists that have been selected for this year’s ePortfolio Review, any pharmacists that are interested in learning more about the ePortfolio Review process are welcome to participate.

      10 Dec, 2024

      Introduction to CPD Webinar Tuesday 17 December 2024

      Start date

      The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

      We know that getting started with a new way of working can be daunting, so each month we hold an introductory webinar for new members, and people who are just getting started using their IIOP ePortfolio.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This event will give an overview of: 

      • The background to the Institute of Pharmacy
      • The CPD system for Irish pharmacists
      • The quality assurance system for Irish pharmacists 
      • A practical demonstration of how to use the IIOP ePortfolio
      • A practical demonstration of how to access the IIOP online courses
      17 Dec, 2024

      ePortfolio Review Webinar Wednesday 8 January 2025

      Start date

      Have you been called for ePortfolio Review this year? Are you unsure about what’s expected and how to prepare? Then this webinar is for you. This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and will specifically focus on the key requirements of the review so that you will know exactly what to expect at each point in the process.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This will include:

      • Sharing the background as to how the process has evolved
      • The 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Standards and how to self-assess against them
      • The key timelines for the review
      • An introduction to the ePortfolio Review training support resources
      • Opportunity to ask any questions on the process

      Note: Whilst this event is geared towards pharmacists that have been selected for this year’s ePortfolio Review, any pharmacists that are interested in learning more about the ePortfolio Review process are welcome to participate.

      08 Jan, 2025

      ePortfolio Review Webinar Tuesday 21 January 2025

      Start date

      Have you been called for ePortfolio Review this year? Are you unsure about what’s expected and how to prepare? Then this webinar is for you. This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and will specifically focus on the key requirements of the review so that you will know exactly what to expect at each point in the process.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This will include:

      • Sharing the background as to how the process has evolved
      • The 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Standards and how to self-assess against them
      • The key timelines for the review
      • An introduction to the ePortfolio Review training support resources
      • Opportunity to ask any questions on the process

      Note: Whilst this event is geared towards pharmacists that have been selected for this year’s ePortfolio Review, any pharmacists that are interested in learning more about the ePortfolio Review process are welcome to participate.

      21 Jan, 2025

      Introduction to CPD Webinar Tuesday 18 February 2025

      Start date

      The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

      We know that getting started with a new way of working can be daunting, so each month we hold an introductory webinar for new members, and people who are just getting started using their IIOP ePortfolio.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This event will give an overview of: 

      • The background to the Institute of Pharmacy
      • The CPD system for Irish pharmacists
      • The quality assurance system for Irish pharmacists 
      • A practical demonstration of how to use the IIOP ePortfolio
      • A practical demonstration of how to access the IIOP online courses
      18 Feb, 2025

      Reflective Practice & My Continuing Professional Development Webinar Tuesday 25 February 2025

      Start date

      The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

      The aim of this webinar is to support pharmacists with their own continued professional development and reflective practice.  This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and designed to provide support to pharmacists on how to write reflectively and to discuss how we as pharmacists undertake reflective practice.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area. This webinar will not be recorded.

      This event will include: 

      • What is reflective practice and how does it link to my CPD?
      • The benefits of reflective practice
      • Reflective Writing samples
      • Group discussion
      • An opportunity to ask any questions you might ha


      25 Feb, 2025

      Introduction to CPD Webinar Tuesday 18 March 2025

      Start date

      The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

      We know that getting started with a new way of working can be daunting, so each month we hold an introductory webinar for new members, and people who are just getting started using their IIOP ePortfolio.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This event will give an overview of: 

      • The background to the Institute of Pharmacy
      • The CPD system for Irish pharmacists
      • The quality assurance system for Irish pharmacists 
      • A practical demonstration of how to use the IIOP ePortfolio
      • A practical demonstration of how to access the IIOP online courses
      18 Mar, 2025

      Introduction to CPD Webinar Tuesday 15 April 2025

      Start date

      The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

      We know that getting started with a new way of working can be daunting, so each month we hold an introductory webinar for new members, and people who are just getting started using their IIOP ePortfolio.

      Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area.

      This event will give an overview of: 

      • The background to the Institute of Pharmacy
      • The CPD system for Irish pharmacists
      • The quality assurance system for Irish pharmacists 
      • A practical demonstration of how to use the IIOP ePortfolio
      • A practical demonstration of how to access the IIOP online courses
      15 Apr, 2025