We are delighted to announce that the online course, Pharmacist Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Refresher Level 2 Programme is now available on the IIOP Portal site. You will need to login to the ‘Members login’ at the top right of the page in order to book onto this course. Please click here for instructions to access and login.
This course has been approved by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) and is accredited by the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP). It has been developed and is certified by Hibernian Healthcare Ltd.
The training requirements for pharmacists for the 2014/2015 Seasonal Influenza Season depend on both the previous training completed and the vaccination experience of the individual pharmacist.
The below training needs assessment guide has been developed to help pharmacists identify the correct training course to address their training needs. Pharmacists should also consult the PSI website for guidance on which course they will need complete.
It is anticipated that the Refresher Level II online training programme for 2014-2015 will be made available on the IIOP website in early September 2014.
The PSI Council has approved and recognised two training providers, Hibernian Healthcare Ltd. and Boots Retail (Ireland) Ltd. for the provision of seasonal influenza vaccination training for pharmacists for the 2014-2015 season. Hibernian Healthcare have been accredited to provide ab initio (inc. CPR), Refresher Level 1 and Anaphylaxis Management and CPR training programmes. Pharmacist can now book a place on their website.