ePortfolio Review Support 
Welcome to the 2024/25 ePortfolio Review Support page. All the information that you require to navigate through the core stages of the 2024/25 ePortfolio Review can be found here, including information on timelines, ePortfolio Review Information Events and support resources. 

IIOP Helpdesk 
We encourage Pharmacists to get in touch with the IIOP at info@iiop.ie if they require specific support regarding the ePortfolio Review process.  

Format Resource Title About this resource Last Updated
pdf-icon A Guide to ePortfolio This document provides an overview of the ePortfolio system (including the ePortfolio menu) and CPD cycle stages. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon ePortfolio Glossary of Terms This document is list of commonly used ePortfolio and ePortfolio Review terms. 24/06/2024
video-icon Webinar Recording: Introduction to IIOP This is a recording of the Introduction to IIOP webinar in November 2023. 22/11/2023
Format Title of resource About this resource Last updated
pdf-icon Step-by-Step Guide to creating a new CPD cycle This guide shows you how to create a CPD cycle in your ePortfolio. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon Sample CPD Cycles This document provides examples of some of the different approaches that people take when planning and recording their CPD. 24/06/2024
video-icon Reflective Practice Webinar This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and designed to provide support to pharmacists on how to write reflectively and to discuss how we as pharmacists undertake reflective practice. 18/10/2023
Format Title of resource About this resource Last updated
pdf-icon What is ePortfolio Review? This document informs the reader about the ePortfolio Review Process. 24/06/2024
interactive-icon What is ePortfolio Review? This presentation provides an interactive guide on the ePortfolio Review Process. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon ePortfolio Review Standards 2024-25 This document explains the System Based and Review Standards for the 2024/25 ePortfolio Review. 24/06/2024
interactive-icon ePortfolio Review Standards 2024-25 This presentation provides an interactive guide to the system and Review Standards for the 2024/25 ePortfolio Review. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon ePortfolio Review Timeline 2024-25 This document provides information on the timeline and different stages in the ePortfolio Review Process. 26/06/2024
pdf-icon How to meet the Review Standards This guide explains how to meet the Review Standards when writing your CPD cycles. 24/06/2024
interactive-icon How to meet the Review Standards This guide explains how to meet the Review Standards when writing your CPD cycles. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon How to meet the cycles from the previous four years standard This guide shows you how to create a cycle to record a previous years learning. 24/06/2024
interactive-icon How to meet the cycles from the previous four years standard This guide shows you how to create a cycle to record a previous years learning. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon How to meet CCF Standards This guide explains how to meet the standard for cycles created following self reflection against the Core Competency Framework. 24/06/2024
video-icon CCF Roadshow Presentation This recorded webinar provides information on the 2023 changes to the Core Competency Framework (CCF) and its CPD implications. 19/12/2023
pdf-icon ePortfolio Junk Mail Divert This document outlines the process to prevent important email notifications from the IIOP from being diverted to Junk/Spam. 20/07/2023
interactive-icon ePortfolio Review FAQs This interactive FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions about ePortfolio Review. 26/06/2024
Format Title of resource About this resource Last updated
pdf-icon ePortfolio Review Policy This policy provides information on the ePortfolio Review Process. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon ePortfolio Review Appeals Policy This policy provides information on the ePortfolio Review Appeals Process. 24/06/2024