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The Irish Institute of Pharmacy was established to oversee the management of the continuing professional development (CPD) system for the pharmacy profession in Ireland.

The aim of this webinar is to support pharmacists with their own continued professional development and reflective practice.  This information webinar is hosted by a peer support pharmacist and designed to provide support to pharmacists on how to write reflectively and to discuss how we as pharmacists undertake reflective practice.

Notifications and Reminders containing the access information for this event will be sent to the email address registered on your IIOP account. This information can also be found by clicking 'Go to Course' and accessing the 'Announcements' area. This webinar will not be recorded.

This event will include: 

  • What is reflective practice and how does it link to my CPD?
  • The benefits of reflective practice
  • Reflective Writing samples
  • Group discussion
  • An opportunity to ask any questions you might ha