Format Title of resource About this resource Last updated
pdf-icon What is ePortfolio Review? This document informs the reader about the ePortfolio Review Process. 24/06/2024
interactive-icon What is ePortfolio Review? This presentation provides an interactive guide on the ePortfolio Review Process. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon ePortfolio Review Standards 2024-25 This document explains the System Based and Review Standards for the 2024/25 ePortfolio Review. 24/06/2024
interactive-icon ePortfolio Review Standards 2024-25 This presentation provides an interactive guide to the system and Review Standards for the 2024/25 ePortfolio Review. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon ePortfolio Review Timeline 2024-25 This document provides information on the timeline and different stages in the ePortfolio Review Process. 26/06/2024
pdf-icon How to meet the Review Standards This guide explains how to meet the Review Standards when writing your CPD cycles. 24/06/2024
interactive-icon How to meet the Review Standards This guide explains how to meet the Review Standards when writing your CPD cycles. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon How to meet the cycles from the previous four years standard This guide shows you how to create a cycle to record a previous years learning. 24/06/2024
interactive-icon How to meet the cycles from the previous four years standard This guide shows you how to create a cycle to record a previous years learning. 24/06/2024
pdf-icon How to meet CCF Standards This guide explains how to meet the standard for cycles created following self reflection against the Core Competency Framework. 24/06/2024
video-icon CCF Roadshow Presentation This recorded webinar provides information on the 2023 changes to the Core Competency Framework (CCF) and its CPD implications. 19/12/2023
pdf-icon ePortfolio Junk Mail Divert This document outlines the process to prevent important email notifications from the IIOP from being diverted to Junk/Spam. 20/07/2023
interactive-icon ePortfolio Review FAQs This interactive FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions about ePortfolio Review. 26/06/2024