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Professor Declan Walsh, Professor of Palliative Medicine, TCD, UCD & OLH&CS and Professor Philip Larkin, Professor of Clinical Palliative Nursing, UCD & OLH&CS will be presenting a masterclass on Advanced Symptom Management and Updates in Contemporary Palliative Care on Tuesday 2nd December in Our Lady's Hospice and Care Services .

This exciting one day course will provide an opportunity for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and allied health professionals to enhance expertise by learning about the latest and most effective interventions in managing pain and other symptoms (both common and rare) in palliative care.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this programme you will
• Identify and address the challenges in assessing and managing complex clinical issues.
• Have heard the latest in relation to key pharmacological therapies such as benzodiazepines, novel and traditional opioids and anti-emetics.
• Have learnt about hot topics including the latest guidance on pain and on constipation.
• Increased and enhanced your professional networks to share experiences and develop new ideas in palliative care.

Click here to view programme / register

Registration Fee: €95 (including lunch)
Book 3 places – 4th place free if booked before 21 Nov
Contact details 01 4068 806 |