Cancer Care Hub

Welcome to the Cancer Care Hub, created for pharmacists in collaboration with the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP). This resource signposts pharmacists to the information that you need to be confident in supporting your patients in the prevention, early detection, treatment and navigation of life after cancer. The Hub is divided into six colour-coded categories or “pillars” below. Within each of the pillars you will find sections for the following types of information:

  • Pharmacist information (immediate) – for information that you require quickly, to support your practice in real time
  • Pharmacist further education opportunities – for courses, webinars and supplemental information to increase your knowledge over time
  • Information for patients – supports to provide to patients at the relevant stage of their cancer journey

We welcome your feedback for this resource to inform future iterations. Click here to provide feedback.

Introduction to Cancer icon
Side Effects icon
Prevention Detection Icon
Survivorship icon
Cancer treatment icon
Palliative Care icon