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The Making Every Contact Count programme aims to integrate interventions on lifestyle behaviour change into routine clinical practice for all healthcare professionals in Ireland.  Pharmacists are ideally placed to deliver these interventions in the consultations they have with patients everyday.  To support healthcare professionals to deliver interventions as part of their role the National Making Every Contact Count training programme has been developed.

The Making Every Contact Count training programme is available to all healthcare professionals in Ireland. It was developed in consultation with healthcare professionals and patients in order to provide effective tools and knowledge to carry out a brief intervention with patients or service users.

The e-Learning training programme consists of 6 x 40-minute e-Learning modules.

Users can return to any of the modules in the eLearning training programme to recap on the topics covered. Additional information can be accessed in the Extend My Learning section. This provides an opportunity to complete practical exercises to support the transfer from learning to practice. 

Outline of the e-learning modules

The Making Every Contact Count training modules include:

  • Introduction to behaviour change – providing a foundation in behaviour change theory and techniques including the underlying principles of a patient-centred approach.
  • Four topic modules on smoking, alcohol and drugs, healthy eating and active living.
  • A skills into practice module - demonstrates the skills of how to carry out a brief intervention across a range of topics through a suite of video scenarios using real-life healthcare professionals including a Pharmacist.



Following completion of the on-line module there will be an opportunity to complete an ‘Enhancing your brief intervention skills’ workshop.

This training programme has been approved by a range of Healthcare Professional bodies for Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

COVID-19 Update

The workshops on enhancing your brief interventions skills are currently unavailable (face-to-face training). Other options are currently being explored to support learners to enhance their skills after completing the e-Learning programme. Further updates will follow.


You can learn more about the training programme here

The Making Every Contact Count training programme can be accessed here. 


Browser information

To run the modules you will need Internet Explorer Version 10 or above. Check which version is installed on your computer.

You can also download Chrome to enable you to view the modules.