Friday, March 22, 2024 - 10:32
On Monday 22nd of April in RCSI, a one-day Medication Without Harm Knowledge Exchange Event will bring together healthcare policymakers, healthcare professionals, researchers, patients and the public to present and share current evidence and discuss their perspectives on medication safety.
The event addresses the World Health Organization Global Patient Safety Challenge, Medication Without Harm. The challenge aims to reduce severe avoidable harm associated with medication by half globally. The challenge and event are themed around the priority areas to decrease avoidable medication-related harm; high-risk medicines, polypharmacy (use of multiple drugs) and transitions of care.
For programme and speaker details and to register, see:
This event is organised by the RCSI School of Population Health, in collaboration with University College Cork and the HSE National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate, and is funded by the Health Research Board.