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Who is the sepsis summit for?

The summit will bring together international and national experts to discuss topics related to the theme.  It is for healthcare professionals, researchers, advocates or someone who has had sepsis.  Join us for insightful discussions, expert presentations on tackling sepsis and networking opportunities.

What is the aim of the summit?

The aim of this year's sepsis summit is to:

  • raise awareness for sepsis in all settings,
  • provide an opportunity to hear about the latest prevention and treatment advancements for sepsis, and
  • lead to better management and better patient outcomes for those who develop sepsis.

Have you recently completed research, a quality improvement project or a case report on sepsis?

If yes, we would like to hear from you.  We invite healthcare professionals to submit an abstract relating to sepsis for consideration by the judging panel as an oral or poster presentation.  The best presentation and poster will receive a prize.  Find out more by clicking on this link:


The 2024 sepsis summit is organised by the HSE National Clinical Programme for Sepsis and the National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate, in collaboration with the Department of Health.