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This presentation was recorded by Dr Eva Doherty especially for the IIOP in July 2020. You can watch it here:


  • Dr. Eva Doherty, Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety, RCSI 

  • Joined by: Katherine Morrow and Catriona Bradley, IIOP 


Dr. Eva Doherty discusses various communication challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides strategies to manage them. She highlights the importance of non-verbal communication, such as tone of voice and body language, particularly when wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). She emphasises the need to adapt communication techniques to overcome challenges, such as using eye expressions and signposting.  

Dr. Doherty also stresses the value of summarising information, checking understanding, and showing empathy to ensure effective communication. She recommends resources from the National Healthcare Communication Program and the International Association for Communication in Healthcare. Additionally, she provides information on free resources and educational programs for further learning.