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This webinar was recorded on 6th March 2024


Slides from the presentation here: Slides 


  • Dr Catriona Bradley, Executive Director, Irish Institute of Pharmacy 

  • David Hession, Head of Research and Impact, LIFT Ireland 

  • Cathy Corbett, Head of Corporate, Community & Public Sector Partners, LIFT Ireland 


In this webinar "Developing the Leadership Agenda in Irish Pharmacy-Let’s Hear about IIOP/LIFT Leadership Programme", speakers Cathy Corbett, David Hession and Dr. Catriona Bradley discuss the importance of leadership development in Irish Pharmacy and introduce the IIOP/LIFT Leadership Programme. Dr. Catriona Bradley, the Executive Director of Irish Institute of Pharmacy, highlights the need for leadership training in Pharmacy, despite the profession's reluctance to embrace it. She introduces the IIOP/LIFT partnership, a social enterprise initiative leading leadership programs around the country, which aims to address the gaps and cultivate leadership within the profession.  

The LIFT leadership program, a component of the partnership, is an individual leadership development initiative that focuses on self-understanding, building trust, and committing to personal excellence. The program has been well-received due to its simplicity and effectiveness, and it encourages participants to reflect on their leadership roles and work together for collective impact. The speakers emphasise that leadership is not limited to those in positions of authority but starts with self-mastery and that everyone can contribute to a mutual agenda for the benefit of society and patients.